Rules to have sex with your fuck buddy on the very first date (Part 2)
We’d appreciated your patience and, as per our promise, we’re back with the remaining tips on impressing your fuck buddy to make love to you on your first meet. For those who’ve stumbled upon this interesting write-up but haven’t skimmed through the previous post, here’s the lowdown:
The first point dealt with you not talking about sex from the moment you meet her; that’ll rob the charm of those special, pleasure-filled moments. And worse is that she might even decline having intercourse with you.
The second point said that you need not spend a small fortune on your meet; rather, be economical and spend wisely.
Now, let’s read up on the remaining points.
Rule 3: Bring in your fun element
If you’re sitting mute and nervously, you’ll end up nowhere near the bed with her. Rather, you’ve to stay relaxed, calm and comfortable; such qualities will arouse her interest. Plus, always think of fun and not sex. If you’re going to have fun, you’ll have fun (and that means in bed, too). However, if you’ll keep on thinking of sex, chances are high that you’ll botch everything.
Rule 4: Remain attentive
Now, that’s the most important point. Sexual cues are given by your free fuck buddy, but you’ve to be smart enough to understand them. For that reason, you’re advised to remain attentive. Don’t daydream of sucking her nipples, now; rather you’ve to stay attentive and understand her paralanguage—the signals she’ll send (if you impress her well) to have sex with you.
Now, if you apply all these points, you’re all set to impress your fuck buddies easily to have sex with you on the very first time you meet them.