Dating for swingers: Then (16th century) and now
The practice of swinging in the society has been around us since the 16th century and is still popular in all parts of the world as it clearly depicts human sexuality and sexual relationships. John Dee and Edward Kelley were the first who signed a formal agreement on 22 April 1587 for sharing their wives. It gave new twist to conjugal relations and made Dee’s wife Lynae and Kelley’s wife Joanna first women who were exchanged by their spouses for exploring their sexual fantasies. In the 18th century, an annual springtime Lamb Festival was held and witnessed a ritualized exchange of spouses. In the 20th century, swinging became a widespread phenomenon in a variety of social classes and was enjoyed by the people of all ages and sizes.
Gone are the days when dating for the swinging was not for all. In the modern society where free fuck buddy sites are prevalent everywhere, both men and women prefer to have sex with swingers who love to spend their leisure living out their sexual fantasies. In the 16th century swinging was not easy for all. Now, things have changed completely, and people interested in a swinging sex are just a click away. With an updated and interesting profile on fuck buddy sites, you can simply get laid with charming and hot wife of a stranger or you can screw up a horny male in front of his wife. London f buddies can explore their sexual desires on like-minded fuck buddies in a group sex in your local area.
Nothing can be more interesting than fucking a young girl on the same bed which is shared by your wife too. So, what are you waiting for? Simply log in to a popular sex dating site and get ready to mingle with your choice fuck partners who are waiting for you with their spouses in their bed.