
Four ways through which a fuckbuddy can increase his semen volume
Research says that on average, a male member can release nearly half a teaspoon worth of semen—that’s about 3 to 5 millimetres. Now, that’s certainly not what you see in porn clips where a man’s jizz can be found all over a girl. Phew! If only our pistol could produce that amount of load. Well, it’s actually possible. You can improve your load with a few simple tricks, which we’ll discuss here. So without wasting any more time, lads, read on and learn the ropes to improve the load.
PC exercises are worth your time
If you want your little soldier to shoot an awesome amount of load, then try PC exercises. Focus on your pelvic-floor muscles, lad. These are the same set of muscles that help you stop the flow of your urine when you can’t find a place to relieve yourself. So the next time you take a leak, just stop the flow of urine for three seconds. (We know we’re sounding like a bitch, but that’ll improve your load.) By doing this exercise for just a couple of seconds every time you urinate, you’ll remarkably improve the quantity of your load.
Stay away from sperm supplements
Many people believe that sperm supplements do wonders to our load’s quantity, but, sadly, that isn’t the case. There is little to no scientific evidence that such supplements can be beneficial for your health. Plus, these supplements are extremely expensive, so buying them will surely break the bank.
Smoking is injurious to health, and, well, the nether wealth as well
Even the dimwits will agree that smoking is pretty bad for the health. Not only does this phenomenon cause lung cancer, it even destroys the quality of your semen. There are a number of studies published in renowned medical journals confirming that smoking can make men infertile. Now, that’s seriously dangerous, smokers-cum-fuckers.
Replace alcohol with water
The next time you go to a pub, just make sure you aren’t drinking the heavy stuff. Unlike alcohol, water is your semen’s best friend. We all know the multiple benefits associated with the high consumption of water. One cool fact: water helps in semen’s production. However, the less hydrated you are, the worse it becomes on your body. And just remember that alcohol will dehydrate you, so replace the bottles of vodka and whiskey with those of drinkable water.
So you’ve just read the top four ways through which you can improve the quality and quantity of your semen. These tips are proven and safe, so you can try this at home, office, or anywhere else. If, however, you have a few other tips in this regard, then share them with all of us. Last but not least, share this article far and wide because every fuckbuddy deserves to ejaculate like a porn star.