united kingdom


Fuck buddy mistakes to avoid in the relationship

There are distinct differences between a fuck buddy relationship and a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. If you cross these lines, you may end up getting hurt. Here, we have discussed the mistakes that a hookup fuck buddy should avoid.

Do not be emotionally involved

Most of the people find it really exciting to sleep with a woman or man just for the pleasure of sex. They enter into a free meet and fuck relationship without realizing how vulnerable it could be. It’s perfectly fine if you are attracted to your hookup fuck buddy due to their physique or chemistry, but emotions should always be kept out of this relationship. There shouldn’t be any love making in free meet and fuck relationship, it should be just fucking and nothing else. It may sound cold but this is the way the relationship should be carried forward to. Any attachment is likely to end badly.

No dating

A hookup fuck buddy should avoid going on dates with their partner. Sex drive should be the only motive for you to be in a free meet and fuck relationship. If you are going out on dates with your partner after sex, it means you are getting emotionally attached to them. If you need to have any date, it should be straight into the bedroom. If you are enjoying dating with your partner minus the sex, it means you are developing liking for that buddy. If it’s so, you have broken the first rule.

Do not see each other too often

Sex twice a week with your fuck buddy should be enough. If you are seeing your partner too often, it means you are getting dependent on them for sexual relief. This dependency will make you vulnerable to emotional attachments. So keep a balance on how often you should see your f buddy.

Explanations are not a must

Justifying yourself or feeling like you owe an explanation to your partner regarding your other relationships is not required and expected in in a fuck buddy relationship. Explanations are to be given in a formal relationship, not in a f buddy relationship.

Have multiple fuck buddies

Do not keep yourself hooked to a single fuckbuddy because you are not in a formal couple type of relationship. Have multiple fuck buddies, though you may like to sleep with a couple of them more often. Keep the door open for new relationships; never shut them as you want this all for the pure pleasure of sex and nothing else.

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