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New couples are liable to fall inside these texting pitfalls

It’s a threadbare yet true statement—technology has changed the world; and, most importantly, it has changed the way we date. Thanks to WhatsApp and other real-time massaging applications, we can chat to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

All that’s required is the Internet and an Internet-enabled device. However, texting your partner way too much all the time may ruin your relationship. For this reason, we’re writing this post so that you can avoid a few texting mistakes that budding couples are liable to make.

You’re texting her every time

You’re in a new relationship, and that’s why your urge to stay connected with him is stronger than ever. You’re actually very excited about him as he’s your shag local buddy and a nice friend as well. But is it okay to text him every time. Seriously, you should slow down else this relationship will stare down the barrel of a gun in no time. And is he really interested in going through your drivel about when you wake up and when you go to the loo and when you have lunch? Nobody will be, so save the efforts. Even if you’ve managed to earn some respect from him based on your looks, then don’t let it get ruined. You have to really hold your horses and make sure that what you’re texting him gives him some relevant information. Texts stating that you miss him are alright whenever you actually remember his presence. But you shouldn’t text “Miss you” just for the heck of having a conversation.

You don’t talk much when you meet in the flesh

When you plan to date a person for the first time and want the relationship to last long, you should communicate with the person more through your mouth than through your fingers. What’s the point of having a relationship with a living person if the majority of your confabs happen through lifeless emojis, smileys and texts. How’ll you come to know when your partner is being sarcastic? Sorry, you won’t be able to tell through textual messages and plain emojis for sure. You’ll have to listen to that person’s voice. Because of this, it’s better to converse through phones and meet more and more. And particularly it’s stupid to have a video call if you and your boyfriend live just a few streets apart from each other.

For your info, these two texting mistakes are equally applicable if you’re dating lesbian fuck buddies. Anyway, have you liked this post? Did we miss something? If yes, then do let us know through your valuable comments and feedback. And if you’ve liked this post, then share it with others.

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