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Positions that will make you go wild with fuck buddy Leeds

Here are some great sex positions to try next time with your fuck buddy Leeds:

Sex position 1: Butterfly

With you lying on back on a counter, let him enter you standing. The position makes it easier for him to slide the girl along the counter. He will go deeper and feel in total control of the situation.

Sex position 2: Modified missionary

The fuck buddy Leeds penetrates the woman deeply in missionary position, letting her bring her legs together between his. Then he should move forward his weight on the woman. This will allow his shaft create more pressure and friction on her clitoris with each entry. The position works well for the ladies who get orgasm with consistent clitoris stimulation.

Sex position 3: Standing straddle  

Lift the woman up in the air and let her place the pussy on the fuck buddy’s shaft. The position is physically demanding and is good for a strong f buddy Leeds and a light woman. It allows for full embrace and intense physical connection of the sex organs. The buddies fuck woman this way quite often to get heightened sexual experience for both the partners.

Sex position 4: The seated scissors  

With man lying flat on his back and his knees bent, the girl straddles him with her one leg to his hip’s side and other one lying between his legs. It provides controlling position to the woman as she could adjust herself to get the perfect depth, friction and pressure. She controls the pace to receive the right amount of stimulation and right spot to grind against the buddy’s penis.

Sex position 5: shaking the dick  

The man wiggles his penis side-to-side so that its head touches the clitoris every time. This action provides extreme stimulation to the clit and dick, sending both the partners in the swirl of pleasure.

Sex position 6: Scepter

Form ring with your thumb and forefinger around the penis and pull it down to make his shaft’s skit taut. The arrangement exposes more nerve endings of the penis tip, making it more sensitive.  The buddies fuck women this way to maintaining harder erection for longer time. The girl should keep his shaft in the ring that she formed with her fingers at the base during intercourse to let him enjoy better sex with her.

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