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Signs That’ll Tell You That You’re Nothing More Than a Hook-up

Sharing a bed with a friend with benefits is all fun; however, you may realize that you’ve fallen for that guy for whom you’re a mere hook-up. During the entire sexcapade, you may get confused as to whether you’re a fuck buddy or a girlfriend. For that reason, we’re just giving you some signs that’ll help you to clear the air on that particular note.

You see them at night only

If your bedmate only sees you at night, it can’t be clearer that you’re his friend with benefits. His days may have a lot of things, but his nights (almost every one) will only include you. So if that’s the case, think of yourself nothing more than a bedmate.

He never takes you out

With him, dates were never a possibility. All he could do for you is to find some hours for you at night. He never hangs out with you; he can only be found leaving your apartment in the wee hours. And one more thing would be that he won’t introduce you to any of his family members or friends.

His plans, by and large, are the last-minute ones

It may be the case that he won’t contact you for weeks; then, suddenly, on one fine night, he’ll message or call you asking your availability for that night (or the coming ones). If these things have happened with you a lot many times, you’re only a fuckbuddy in Cardiff for him. Also, whenever he’ll come to your apartment (or you’ll go to his), he’ll make you watch some fuck buddy porn movies as well.

So if you, too, have experienced similar traits in your so-called ‘friend’, you wouldn’t be that much confused about the true status of your complicated relation.

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