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Three rules to have sex with your lesbian fuck buddy

Just because you’re in a relation where your sexual desires are met to the tee by your man doesn’t mean that you’ll likely rule the bed when you’re fucking a female. That’s why we’ve come up with three rules that are beneficial for a female when she’s banging another female. Let’s read them.

Banging a girl isn’t some sort of entrance exam

One swallow doesn’t make a summer; having successfully banged a girl once doesn’t mean you’ll be a pro in the game. Don’t be overconfident because of your numbers and bluster, “Hey! I have a membership on one of the best free fuck sites and have banged so-and-so girls.” Every girl has different needs, so avoid following a tried-and-tested formula; rather, try plucking a novel idea from your bag of tricks to impress and satisfy her in bed.

Sex is more profound than Facebook’s status updates

For goodness’s sake, don’t expect her to give you status updates now and again during intercourse. While there’s nothing wrong in asking her how does she feel, but sometimes a cue—such as “O right there, baby!” or “Oh my Lord! Don’t stop please!”—can really tell you whether she’s enjoying or not. Instead, you should rather invest time to know her body; every human body has a unique biochemistry, so make efforts to understand it and offer it the maximum pleasure.

Don’t forget the best tool during intercourse: Foreplay

Foreplay is really important during sex; it sets the tone for all those sweet moments that are yet to come. Kiss her thighs and sweet spot, but you should ensure that you’re not overdoing it by any chance. If you overdo the foreplay, your sexual spark will be doused in no time, dearie.

So, keep in mind these three simple rules whenever you’ve got a bed date planned with a lesbian fuck buddy.

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