
Top three signs revealing that your sexual tension is mutual
Exploring sexual tension is difficult, and decoding it is a different ball game. There must’ve been moments in your life when you would’ve been sexually excited for someone, but was that person harbouring the same feelings for you at that time? Well, that’s a million-dollar question, and in this post, we’ll let you know exactly how you’ve to answer that.
What’s sexual tension, anyway?
This feeling seeps through your heart when you’re sexually attracted towards someone, but you both don’t do anything about it. And there may be specific reasons for that as well. Maybe you’re already in a relationship, or maybe you both are shy. Which is why, you think that it’s best to not take any actions in this regard.
Now, because you know what sexual tension is all about, you should see whether your lust is a two-sided affair or not. For understanding this, you have to note three signs.
The signs showing that your lust is a two-sided game
You have to make helluva observations
If you grow lust for someone, you’ll keep fantasising about them come what may. That’s all right, but does he want to be one of your fuck buddies, huh? Now, your answer will come if you see them checking you out. So basically you’ll have to observe them and look for any telltale signs.
Note the person’s sexual body language
If the person keeps finding new excuses to talk to you and touch you, well, inappropriately, then you’re currently scoring high on his fuckable meter. See, if he runs his hand through your hair, then it ain’t friendly, girl. Come on. Plus, if they’re massaging your neck or trying to brush their hands against your privates or boobies, then they’re damn interested to bed you.
You both are flirting
Well, well, well, if you guys are flirting, then there’s something fishy, all right. So just make sure to know whether your flirtatious conversations are becoming really dirty with time. See how many times you both discuss sex with each other. So the bottom line is that if you both are flirting and talking dirty sometimes, you both are interested in each other.
Now, you’ve finally gone through all the top three signs that’ll totally reveal whether the lust is mutual or not. If you have any other tips that’ll let you explore the same stuff, then do drop your thoughts as comments below. Last, did you find this post riveting? If so, please hit the share button right away.